
While nurseries can be a ‘labour of love’ for many individuals who want to create it themselves, there are a number of reasons why hiring a designer to complete your little one’s room is a good idea…

1. Safe products – When creating spaces for children, our first concern is that we are providing products that are safe for them.  From low VOC paints to nursery furniture that meet the highest standards for safety.  Designers know what to look for – and what to avoid – when designing a nursery, child’s room or play space.

2. Quality of overall design – When completing any project, it is always a good idea to consult the experts.  Interiors are no different.  As interior design specialists, we understand the principles & elements of design, as well as functionality and space planning.  We are able to create original design schemes, or enhance the design ideas that you already have.  Designers eat, breathe and sleep design… we know what works, what doesn’t work, what products are out there, the current trends, the next big trend, the outdated trends… I could go on and on, but I won’t – you get my point.

3. Help to set and maintain a budget – Most people think that hiring a designer will be more expensive, than completing a project themselves.  The truth is that you are more likely to set a realistic budget (including the designer fee) – and stick to it – if you have a professional monitoring the cost of the job.  Problems arise on every project, but with a design professional you are better equipped to avoid mistakes that can be quite costly.

4. Extensive resources – Designers have access to a number of stores, products, and services that are not available to the general public.  By hiring a design professional you can gain access to these benefits, and in some cases, discounts to stores that you do have access to.

5. Stress Free – Problems arise.  This fact cannot be avoided in most design projects.  If you are creating a nursery or a child’s room, then you probably already have your hands full.  Hiring a designer helps to eliminate the stress involved in completing a project on time and within your budget.

Keep in mind that hiring a designer does not mean that you will lose all creative input.  Your design ideas can be enhanced if you already know the look and feel you want to achieve in your child’s space.  Just keep in mind that interior stylists, designers and decorators are there to help you achieve a harmoniously designed space that you and your child can enjoy.

Lay Lay’s Tips: 5 Reasons You Should Hire a Designer

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